Patient Engagement Solutions
Our approach to patient recruitment is different.
We are a preventive healthcare provider leveraging…our core business to connect patients with clinical trials.
Each year, approximately 725,000 adults attend our mobile screenings as a proactive measure to ensure their continued health. We arm these highly health motivated patients with clinical results and recommendations. Often times, the clinical findings align with clinical study criteria making our patients perfect candidates for your trial.
Many of our patients profile with risk factors for diseases of unmet medical need. Only 16% of polled patients know where to get information about clinical trials. Our mission is to help connect these consenting prequalified patients with the trials that need them.

We bridge the gap between clinical care and research
It’s not enough to rely on traditional recruitment methods to find patients for your study.
We are experts at screening for conditions affecting the aging population and are committed to advancing healthcare by connecting our participants with the best therapies available today.
Our screenings arm patients and their physicians with compelling data for medical management and motivation to enroll into clinical trials as a viable option for care.

Leader in Patient Retention
Life Line Screening has established and maintained strong relationships with patients for 25+ years.
We pride ourselves on retaining enrolled patients with motivation and engagement through a full-range of recruitment, engagement, and retention services.
Our personal connection with our participants allows them to make informed decisions about participating in clinical research, leading to a greater likelihood of study enrollment and participation.
Our screenings arm patients and their physicians with compelling data for medical management and motivation to enroll into clinical trials as a viable option for care.

Site Support & Engagement
Life Line Screening is a patient-centric organization with teams comprised of clinically trained specialists who understand the patient’s journey. We apply this knowledge and experience in successfully facilitating the introduction of engaged medically prequalified participants to your trial and sites. Sites recognize that our patients are qualified referrals with a high likelihood of becoming a participant thus reducing cost and time for the site to enroll.
Site relationship is key to the success of meeting enrollment objectives. Life Line Screening works hand in hand with your clinical sites to ensure referrals are efficiently processed.
With a proprietary database of 7.5 million active members, our real-world data can also help with enrollment feasibility and site selection strategies for your study
Feel free to reach out!
Contact us today to discuss ways we can help your current or next clinical trial enrollment efforts.